Update from 5.0 to latest OS 5.3

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└──╼ #cat /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="Parrot OS 5.0 (Electro Ara)"
NAME="Parrot OS"
VERSION="5.0 (Electro Ara)"
└──╼ #ls
docker-engine.list  parrot.list  teams.list
└──╼ #cat parrot.list 
## stable repository
deb https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling main contrib non-free
deb https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security main contrib non-free
#deb-src https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling main contrib non-free
#deb-src https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security main contrib non-free

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while now and I haven’t been getting any updates from my repos. It always says ‘All packages are up to date’. I was wondering if there’s something I’m missing. I want to update to the latest parrot. This is my main work machine and I can’t afford downtime - what’s the safest and best way to upgrade.

Thank you

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