Update on Parrot 4.3 Get Stuck

Hello Everyone,

I’m new on Parrot Sec, I have installed Parrot-security-4.11.3_amd64 on a Virtual Machine in Oracle VM VirtualBox…

The installation was fine and I had no problem with it. But when I open “Root Terminal” to update the distro always this process get stuck on 80% and It’s been like this for an hour or more.

The command I use for this is “apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade”

Notice that I’m like “root”, so I don’t need to use “sudo”.

I will atach an image to understand the problem.

I need help, really I need it.


Hi. You did well to ask. You must say yes/y, otherwise you won’t have the new ParrotOS 5.0.

Thanks Danterolle,

It helped me a lot.


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