USB Drives Do not Auto-mount in File Manager

I have a fresh install of Parrot OS Home Edition. When I insert a USB drive, I see it in my file manager but I get the following error when I attempt to access it or eject it:
“Not authorized to perform operation”

I am able to mount it via the terminal and copy files to and from it in the terminal but, it disappears from the file manager’s side panel when I mount it in the terminal and if I browse to the mount point I am not able to copy files to or from it using the GUI only the terminal. Is there a way to fix these issues?

  • Parrot version in use
    VERSION=“5.2 (Electro Ara)”

  • Kernel version

Hi Kirk,

I don’t know how to fix this long term, but can you access the USB drive after running

sudo caja

When mounting it in terminal are you using sudo…?
I suspect your actual USB device ownership permissions may need changing…

Does this happen with a new USB device, all USB devices, or just this 1 device?

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