Weather does not work

– Hello all, –

I’m using the latest kernel with Parrot, but I have an issue with the weather.
I think that when the timezone switched one hour in advance in Europe, that weather indicator in the taskbar stopped working.

Does anybody know why this can happen and how to resolve the issue?

Thanks in advance!

I found the issue by myself in the end.
I reinstalled the package “libmateweather1” because inside there was a 404 API call to some PHP script on the domain “”.

After the package was reinstalled, I had to reboot my PC so it started working again.

If for someone this does not work, you can execute this command to replace the old one with a new API call:
sudo sed -i 's||\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0|' $(readlink -f /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Also, maybe you should consider backing up the original file in the first place.

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