Why parrot os is consuming too much ram?

Hey mates,

I noticed a very unusual behavior of parrot os, as it is consuming too much RAM.

I started my Laptop and opened just 2 tabs of chrome and memory usage is like:


how to fix that? and also there is no on-start applications there…

How to fix that?


OS: Parrot Security 6.0 (lorikeet) x86_64.
Host: HP ProBook 450 G8
Kernel: 6.1.0-1parrot1-amd64
CPU: 11th Gen Intel i7-1165G7 (8) @ 4.700GHz
Memory: 4360MiB / 7636MiB

I cant do any work, my laptop freezes on 10 to 15 tabs of chrome, please help…

You say parrot behaviour, then say you opened chrome, a notorious mermory hog… with 10 to 15 tabs…

No, Fred, Without chrome it uses a lot much ram, around (3.5 G)… IDK whats happening!