
It has been a long time since we first used custom configuration for Vim, removed vim-tiny, and then switched to Neovim. Of all support to terminal text editor, we totally forgot about Nano, a lightweight and easy to use text editor. Because user @Pero_Sar1111 mentioned Nano supports enable mouse and default configuration file (which we have never actually noticed), we decided to add default Nano’s configuration.

Editor configurations

  • Enable line numbers by default
  • Enable mouse. User can click to move cursor instead of only arrow keys
  • Enable auto indent
  • Tabsize is 4 instead of 8 (default). There is no replace tab to space.
  • Enable smooth scrolling Supported by default since Nano 4.0
  • Set morespace, allow user to use empty line under title bar Supported by default since Nano 4.0
  • Set locking, only allow 1 nano process edit the current files
  • Enable softwrap for long lines
  • Enable constantshow for staus bar

Keybinding configurations

  • Remove keybinding for Justify
  • Remove keybinding for Write out, which similar to Save As. User can use Ctrl + S to save data to file quickly
  • Remove keybinding for Location. It should be enabled by constantshow
  • Unbind 2 hotkeys Alt + \ and Alt + / for go to last line / first line of the text file. Users can use Secondary binding Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + End
  • Search text is now Ctrl + F instead of Ctrl + W
  • Undo is now Ctrl + Z instead
  • Redo is now Ctrl + Y
  • Help is now Ctrl + H instead of Ctrl + G
  • Go to line is now Ctrl + G instead
  • Replace text (search and replace) is now Ctrl + R
  • Open new file is now Ctrl + O
  • Paste is now Ctrl + V instead of Ctrl + U. This feature uses Nano’s buffer instead of clipboard. User can use Ctrl + Shift + V to paste text in clipboard
  • Comment current line is Ctrl + /. This feature should be used for programming scripts