Mate / kde-plasma conflict = anonsurf trouble [SOLVED]

Okay,i’m attempting to switch to xfce4 at the moment,while also attempting to remove mate and xde from the device.
thus far,the instructions given aren’t working,perhaps you can point me in the direction of how to do that?

Okay,some good news…
It appears that by removing the KDE framework via synaptic pkg. manager ,notifications for mate have instantly started working again,along wth that,anonsurf also returned to it’s normal functionality.
i know it was said that shouldn’t be the case,as they operate independent of each other,but that clearly isn’t the case here.
there is a kde/plasma tweaks menu visible with the mate menu options,which wasn’t there prior to the 4.10 update,so it seems that some dissonance is created between the two gui’s when that takes palce,at least in this situation,on this device.

Thank you all for your assistance,i’ll edit this and mark it as solved for anyone else whom may experience this…

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