[Tool request] haiti (re-post)

This is a repost of [Tool request] haiti I posted on Jan 12, 2021.
The same day dmknght answered:

Hi! Thank you for your suggestion!
We are going to release 4.11 then create a whole new pentest tool list. We’ll package your tool after this big task. I think your tool deserve a place in preinstalled tool to replace hash-identifier and hashid.
I’m adding your tool to TODO list right now.

But the forum system bot auto-closed the thread on May 13, 2021

This topic was automatically closed 120 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

That’s why I’m re-opening it, also I have provided a .deb package now.

[Name] Haiti
[Version] v1.3.0 (Release v1.3.0 · noraj/haiti · GitHub)
[Homepage] Document
[Download] https://github.com/noraj/haiti/archive/v1.3.0.tar.gz - https://rubygems.org/downloads/haiti-hash-1.3.0.gem
[Author] noraj (Alexandre ZANNI) Home | noraj
[Licence] MIT - haiti/LICENSE.txt at master · noraj/haiti · GitHub
[Description] Hash type identifier (CLI & lib).
[Dependencies] ‘ruby’ ‘ruby-paint’ ‘ruby-docopt’
[Similar tools] hashid, hash-identifier, dagon, findmyhash see the diff Document
[Activity] Start 16/10/2019, actively maintained
[How to install] As any classic ruby package, see package made for BlackArch: blackarch/packages/haiti/PKGBUILD at master · BlackArch/blackarch · GitHub
[How to use]
Quick start Document
Usage: Document
[Packaged] See all install methods Document

Is the tool useful/functional in a Penetration Testing environment?
Yes whenever you find hashes in a database or config files.

Does the tool overlap functionality of other existing tools?
Yes, hashID, findmyhash & hash-identifier.

Does the licensing of the tool allow for free redistribution?
Yes MIT.

How much resources does the tool require? Will it work in a “standard” environment?
Very few, any computer could run it.

I built a .deb package for haiti and its dependency ruby-docopt.

I tested them on Debian 11. Check the Debian tab on the Installation Production section of the documentation Document

wget https://github.com/noraj/haiti/releases/download/v1.3.0/ruby-docopt_0.6.1_all_debian11.deb
wget https://github.com/noraj/haiti/releases/download/v1.3.0/haiti_1.3.0_all_debian11.deb
apt install ruby-paint
dpkg -i ruby-docopt_0.6.1_all_debian11.deb
dpkg -i haiti_1.3.0_all_debian11.deb

To see how the .deb was built, check the .deb tab on the Installation Development section of the documentation Document

Hello! Haiti is using 3rd packages that Debian repository doesn’t have. Therefore, we can’t add your tool.

ruby-paint is in debian and ruby-docopt is easy to provide (pure ruby, no extra dep, rare updates).
I even provide a .deb for ruby-docopt too.

There are only 2 dependencies :

  • ruby-paint which is already packaged in Debian
  • ruby-docopt is not but will be easy to maintain since it has no dependencies and is rarely updated, I even provide a way to build the .deb using this fpm script, I explains how it works on the documentation

Hello! For now we are having nobody to do packaging. I’m very sorry about that. I think @palinurosec can create your package if he has free time. I’m working on a different project right now.