A *secret* project for *AFTER* 4.10

I tested it and i don’t think it fits the idea of “modern looking”. Btw i changed my choice and use thunar.

Heee… It’s so cool :heart_eyes: let me guess Is it a custom version of secret desktop :face_with_monocle:

So i found this https://notepadqq.com. It is open source and on repository. I am installing this on xfce4 lab and maybe i’ll use it for both xfce4 and secret
p/s: load time is a little slow but the feature is nice.

maybe The Parrot OS Team should include “Stacer” in the secret
(*this is not my screenshot)

Github : Stacer
(i’m using it too and i would say its a very good software)

Too heavy. It is nice but it is not important.

maybe include pfetch as well
not bloated as like Neofetch

if it is on repo i can add it.
But the scope is not use too many pre-installed applications.


Kindly make sure it supports dual monitors for laptops over NVIDIA GPU. Cause I couldn’t get my external monitor working over my Thinkpad with a docking station. It either displays output on laptop or external monitor but not both at once.

PS: A small suggestion from my end to try “sublime text” editor at your and if you feel its worth you can try adding sublime text editor as its good alternative.

It has nothing to do with DE. It is driver layer.

We are having vscodium and geany. There is no reason to add something like that. A simple lightweight text editor makes sense but fully features text editor doesn’t.
p/s: Tested notepadqq and it didn’t pass performance test.

That was a very quick response. Will look into it Thank you. Do you offer build version of this secret project to test it our end so that we can report you if any bugs or issues are found ?

We will have iso version to test ofc. But for now it is under development and it is having some serious bugs (from DE side) so we think wait for patches is better.

OK. Will wait for it. Thank you @dmknght

Agree This Is Not Only My Favorite Distro/Desktop For Security, Its Also Manage To Become My Favorite Desktop For Personal Use Also. Absolutely Love It.

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Not so fast. Annoying bugs are still there.

i would love to try out for testing new parrot os

Is it me,or does it seem like ParrotOS doesn’t seem to take full of advantage of things like mate tweaks?
perhaps i’m using the theme and tweaks incorrectly,but adding things like a custom doc bar,or theme and icons don’t seem to work correctly for me…?

I agree. The mate desktop environment is great.


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Ready to roll out?

i afraid it must be wait. I am focusing on AnonSurf so hard and the DE is not ready. It is having serious issues. I’m still using it and i’ll add it to Parrot as soon as they fix the bugs.


This will without a doubt be a newb question,but are the images of a completely new UI/ launcher,or is that a theme available for gnome?
i see similar “themes” available whenever i check whats available,but i’m never able to full replicate all of the features shown,i.e. calendar widgets and such.
but even then,some of the themes are just to heavy and create lag…